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為推廣經濟部工業局支持創新學習服務成效,數位教育研究所胡佩綺工程師於10月初赴日本宮崎參加IEEE SMC 2018(SYSTEMS SCIENCE&ENGINEERING, HUMAN-MACHINE SYSTEMS, CYBERNETICS) 。
在10/8的Brain-Inspired Systems and Unconventional BCI Applications session當中,提出一些非傳統的BCI創新應用,並進行「基於腦機介面儀實作之教學模組:用腦電圖轉換為音樂合成」的口頭報告。
此次國際研討會除與高端科技研發者交流跨領域應用的可能外,大會亦設計有為期兩天的BCI 駭客松(hackthon),事先報名的參賽者,把行李箱當作百寶箱使用,渾身解數使盡。最後成果雖非能立即看見商業價值,但點子創意充足,仍十分令人期待未來產品或應用的出現。
2018 IEEE總裁暨執行長James A. Jefferies於晚宴中歡迎大家,本次論文接受率57.4%(741/1291),因為舉辦在日本的關係,日本接受論文最為大宗,其次是中國、台灣。
ieee smc 在 張盛舒 Facebook 的最佳解答
各位嘉賓,我是張盛舒,很榮幸能夠參加日本宮崎縣的SMC 2018 IEEE會議。
Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, it’s my honor to attend SMC 2018 IEEE at Miyazaki japan.
3 decades and 2 years ago, I was one of the pioneers to develope AI software to attend the computer go contest, Dreaming to defeat human soon.
Apparently dream is a dream. So for the past 20 years, I became sponsor and human player to support and test AI software as well, that’s easier job to me. After a long journey, AlphaGo showed up 2 years ago, significantly changed this world forever.
We all can see the changes. For example, The human go player, no matter professional or amateur, inspired by AI, abandoned thousands years tradition. Now They can fly freely upon the board of the go. But first of all, human should open their mind, put down their dignity, get used to be humiliated by machine.
Just as I spent five years, using artificial intelligence and big data to change the fortune-telling tools of the millennium, it may take 30 years to change the human mindset of fortune telling, and really know how to use this tool correctly.
Einstein said: I am convinced that God does not play dice,
However, machine becomes god, we all need to get used to get along well with the god, even that god is created by us. It’s Obviously this god can benefit or hurt the human being depends on humans mindset and competence. The strong gets stronger, and the weak gets worse. maybe it’s a philosophical dilemma that technology always does. And we do hope that human and machine co-learning can improve the relationship between them.
Anyway, congratulate the human beings, congratulate the machines, This is a successful demonstration of AI self-consciousness co-worked with human beings.
Thank you and Have a good day.
ieee smc 在 張盛舒 Facebook 的最佳貼文
10月7日,8日和周俊勳棋王,在日本宮崎參加全球電機電子工程師學會(IEEE SMC 2018),挑戰臉書的人工智慧圍棋OpenGO。
ieee smc 在 Cs61a summer 2017 github 的推薦與評價
[ASONAM] ACM/IEEE Intl. Cs61a github Abatacept is a drug that can help prevent ... Semantic Web Conference 2017 [SMC] IEEE Intl. Before that, I received B. ... <看更多>
ieee smc 在 IEEE SMC Malaysia Chapter - Home | Facebook 的推薦與評價
IEEE SMC Malaysia Chapter. 73 likes · 2 talking about this. The IEEE SMC Malaysia Chapter Society serves the interests of its members and the community... ... <看更多>